Procurement – New Rolling Stock and Finance
TCL leads the commercial workstream in the procurement of new rolling stock (and associated maintenance) and the financing of new rolling stock. TCL provides some or all of the following services depending on the needs of the client:
- Development of procurement strategy.
- Preparation of notices in accordance with UCR 2016.
- Development of invitations to tender (ITTs) for the manufacture, maintenance and funding of rolling stock. An ITT will address the key commercial, financial, operational and technical considerations and include a scoring/evaluation mechanism.
- Evaluation and analysis of ITT responses.
- Meetings and negotiation with bidders.
- Clarification and refinement of offers, including “revise & confirm” processes and “best & final offers” as appropriate.
- Reporting to the client on the outcome of the tender evaluation and recommendations regarding preferred bidders.
- In conjunction with the client and its legal advisors, negotiate and close supply, maintenance and financing contracts.
For information regarding procurements that TCL has led or how we can help you, please contact us at